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This is by far one of the hardest fight in the Pacifist route. Just below El Bailador without the cheese strat. The reason is because most of Axis' attacks require sight to be properly avoided. Except we can't see, so we have to resort to mindless movement and hope we don't get hit that much

At this point. Golden Scarf / Safety Goggles + Easy Mode should be used to make Axis deal only 1 DMG. Any more will cause you to run out of healing items before the fight finishes


Weapon: Doesn't Matter

Accessory: Golden Scarf

Easy Mode: Disabled

Healing Items:

4 Healing Items (Minimum. More recommended)


Tutorial Attack

Move slightly Left/Right

Guaranteed No-Hit

First Attack: Swaying Balls

Stand still

Around 5 Hits. Chance for less

Second Attack: Falling Balls

Stand still

Around 5 Hits. Chance for less

First Axis Energy

Hold Right. Wait 8 beats after the alert and hold Left

Third Attack: Circle: Rotating Balls

Hold Left/Right

Around 4-5 Hits. Chance for less

Fourth Attack: Circle: Arm Laser

Move slightly to the Left. When the arm starts moving, follow it around by tapping Right. When an alert plays, move in the opposite direction

Tricky, but doable No-Hit

Second Axis Energy

Stand still. Wait 6 beats after the alert and hold Left

Item > Heal

Fifth Attack: Blue Laser + Balls

Stand still

Around 4-5 Hits. Chance for less

Sixth Attack: Circle: Orange Laser + Rotating Balls

Rotate around in a circle.

Around 6-7 Hits. Chance for less

Third Axis Energy

Stand still

Seventh Attack: Rising Smoke

Stand still

Around 4-5 Hits. Chance for less

Eight Attack: Bombs

Stand still

Guaranteed No-Hit

Fourth Axis Energy

Hold Left. Wait 6 beats after the alert and move Right

Item > Heal

Ninth Attack: Rotating Lasers + Balls


Stand still. Wait 6 beats and hold Up for another 6 beats. Repeat the cycle until the attack ends

Around 4-5 Hits. Chance for less

Tenth Attack: Circle: Rotating Bombs

Hold Right/Left

Around 5-6 Hits. Chance for less

Left/Right Generator

Stand still. Wait 6 beats after the alert and move Right/Left

Eleventh Attack: Circle: Simon Says Balls

Hold Right/Left

3 Hits Maximum. Chance for less

Twelvth Attack: Circle: Sparkle Shooter

Stand Still

6 Hits Maximum. Chance for less

(Repeat step for Left/Right Generator)

Item > Heal

Thirteenth Attack: Circle: Moving Shooter

Hold Left/Right

7 Hits Maximum. Chance for less

Fourteenth Attack: Circle: Blue Laser + Balls

Stand Still

Around 4 Hits. Chance for less

Fifth Axis Energy

Stand Still. Wait 6 beats after the alert and hold Right

Fifteenth Attack: Circle: Tiptoe Balls

Hold Left/Right

Guaranteed No-Hit

If health is 6 or less. Item > Heal

Sixteenth Attack: Circle: Simon Says Shooter

Stand Still

3 Hits maximum. Chance for less

Sixth Axis Energy

Hold Right. Wait 6 beats after the alert and hold Left


jumpwithkarl: Video


Got a bit unlucky with the attack RNG. Causing him to heal more than normal