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Despite being the first boss in the game. He is actually pretty simple to defeat. But does require at most 3 hits to get passed

Genocide not charted yet


Weapon: Doesn't Matter

Armor: Feather. Patch suffices if you are going to spare Dalv

Healing Items:

Doesn't Matter. Unless you are going for a Genocide


First Attack: Lightning

This attack fortunately has a sound cue which indicates when the lightning will strike. Wait until you hear that sound cue, and alternate between left and right so you don't hit the edge

Easy No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Second Attack: More Lightning

Similar to the previous attack. But you have to note that the lightning will also strike left to right. Fortunately the strikes have a simple Up-Down, Left-Right pattern for each strike. So alternate between Left-Right and Up-Down accordingly

Easy No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Third Attack: Lightning Balls

The balls appearing have sound cues. But them being launched do not, so you have to time them manually

Start by waiting out until all the balls have materialized. Then go to the bottom edge, bottom-right corner, and then top-right. And it should be a No-Hit

Easy No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Fourth Attack: Moving Lightning Walls

Since this attack is silent. It is impossible for you to thread between the two lightning bolts. So a hit is required to get out of the lightning walls

Wait until you think the lightnings have started moving and slowly move up. Once you get hit. Immediately rush to the top edge

One Hit

Mercy > Spare

Fifth Attack: Moving Lightning Circle

This one is similar to the previous attack. But even worse since the lightning circle has a chance to move either top-left or bottom-left. Resulting in a chance for a second hit

Immediately go bottom-left. If you get hit a second time, rush to top-left

One Hit. Chance for a second

Mercy > Spare

Sixth Attack: Lightning Shots

Rush to the bottom-right. If you hear the lightning being shot. Rush towards the top, repeat for the bottom. Repeat until the attack ends

Easy No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Attacks 1-3 repeat for a second time. But the next attacks will be skipped since this is when Dalv realizes you are not malicious


Two Hits minimum. Chance for Three Hits