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An overall difficult boss which can decrease your maximum health to low levels. At this point, it is highly recommended to turn on Easy Mode so that she can only do one damage

Getting hit in this fight doesn't matter too much since Ceroba only deals 1 damage with Steel Buckle + Easy Mode. But getting hit from the Max HP attacks will always deal 3 HP. Be careful not to get hit too much from them


Ammo: Flint Ammo

Accessory: Steel Buckle

Easy Mode: Enabled

Healing Items:

None required to win

Phase 1


You don't need to worry too much on this phase. Just keep calm and fight Ceroba


Intro Attack

Hold Top-Left. Wait until the start of the third lasers sound effect then hold Right until it ends. Wait until the second flower explodes and hold Down. Wait until the freeze sound effect finishes and hold Top-Right

Tricky, but doable No-Hit


First Attack: Flower Circle + Black Hole

Hold up and hope you don't get hit a lot

5 Hits Max. Chance for less


Second Attack: Freeze + Laser

Wait until the freeze sound effect and hold Top-Right. Wait until the laser sound effect and hold Bottom-Left. Repeat for the next freezes + lasers

Easy No-Hit


Third Attack: Shooting Flowers

Hold Down during the first two flower shots and move slightly Left + X during the third flower shot

Tricky, but Doable No-Hit


Fourth Attack: Flower Circle

Hold Top-Right. Wait until the flowers start to move inward and move to the next direction counter clockwise (Right, Up, Left, Down)

7? Hit Max. Chance for less


Fifth Attack: Flower Spinner

Stand Still

4 Hits Max. Chance for less


Sixth Attack: Exploding Flowers

Hold Top-Right. Wait for the second flower explosion and hold Down. Wait a while after the fourth and fifth flower explosion and hold Up

Easy No-Hit


Seventh Attack: Exploding Pillar Madness

Hold Left until the start of the second alert. Then hold Down

2 Hits Max. Chance for less


Afterwhich. Attacks 1-7 are repeated until Ceroba reaches half health. At which case, she enables her second phase

Phase 2


At this point. The Battle Box starts to glow red, which means that you are unable to touch it or else you lose Max HP. Which is absolutely disastrous for our situation

Another new thing is that the attacks have been considerably buffed. Which means you have to also take on harder versions of each attack


Intro Attack

Stand Still. Yeah that's basically it :p

Note that this attack will skip the current attack you are on. So if the intro attack plays on the second attack, it will skip the second attack and into the third attack

2 Hits


Buffed First Attack: Increasing Flower Circle

Hold Bottom-Left + X and let go after the third beep on the alert sound effect

5? Hits Max


Buffed Second Attack: Larger Freezes

It's the same strat in the Second Attack. But made even harder in that you cannot touch the battle box

Tricky, but Doable No-Hit


Buffed Third Attack: Machine Gun Flowers

Hold Down until you almost reach the bottom side. But NOT touching

6? Hits Max. Chance for less


Buffed Fourth Attack: Not much changed really

Stand still and wait for the flowers to attack. Then hold Right and let go when they explode. Repeat for the opposite direction until the attack ends

7? Hits Max. Chance for less


Buffed Fifth Attack: Bigger Flower Spinner

Stand Still

5 Hits Max


Buffed Sixth Attack: Projectile Shooting Exploding Flowers


Hold Right + X and immediately let go when the first flower shoots its projectiles. Wait a while after the fourth and fifth flower explosion and hold Left

Around 3 hits


Buffed Seventh Attack: Not much has also changed

Hold Left and stop on the second alert

Around 3 hits


Afterwhich. Buffed attacks 1-7 are repeated until Ceroba dies


AstrasEvolution: Video


Earliest victor. One healing item used

jumpwithkarl: Video


Second victor. No healing items used, 5 HP remaining