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Guardener has a little gimmick where she will start to use random attacks after Attack #9. Unless you are in Easy Mode / Don't have the Golden Bandana, this will be a pretty tricky fight


Weapon: Doesn't Matter

Accessory: Fancy Holster

Easy Mode: Disabled

Healing Items:

2 Healing Items (Minimum)


Snip Item (You want item snipped as fast as possible)

First Attack: Arm Mayhem

Hold Left until you hear the first arm slam, then go slightly down. Go up when the second arm starts to attack

Easy No-Hit

Snip Item

Second Attack: Arm + Petal Bullets

Hold Down

Guaranteed No-Hit

Snip Item

Third Attack: Distraction Flower + Arm

Hold Down

Guaranteed No-Hit

Snip Fight

Fourth Attack: Bullet Circle

The bullet spawner spawns in a random position each time. Some positions may shoot bullets at places where safe spots might be in other positions. So there is no guaranteed way to dodge this

Go bottom right. If you get hit immediately, go top left. If you get hit a few seconds later, go slightly up.

50/50 No-Hit / One-Hit

Snip Fight

Fifth Attack: Laser Circle


Go Down until you reach the edge and go slightly Left. When the lasers start to move, move with them. When you hear an alert, move the opposite direction

Seven Hits Maximum. Chance for less

Snip Fight

Sixth Attack: Arm Breaking Circles

Hold Down

Guaranteed No-Hit

Snip Mercy

Seventh Attack: Petal Bullets on All Edges

Hold Bottom Left

Guaranteed No-Hit

Snip Mercy

Eight Attack: Two Robots (Gun + Shield)

Hold left. When you hear a shot, hold Up or Down

Easy No-Hit

Item > Heal

Ninth Attack: Two Robots (Garbage)

No real way to dodge this. Just go down and hope you don't get hit a lot

Around 3-4 Hits Max. Chance for less

Snip Mercy

Attacks from here are random. With the possible attacks from #1-#9. This ends once the player has snipped all 4 menu options

You want to hope that you don't get attacks #5 and #9 as they are the worst possible attack you can face

Hold Down. This has the highest chance for being a No-Hit

Keep snipping Act until it is finally cleared. Which will continue the fight

Tenth Attack: Two Robots (Gun + Bow)

Go Top Left until you reach the corner. Move slightly Bottom-Right until you are at the middle of the enclosed area. When an arrow gets shot, move Up and then back Down after a while

Tricky but Doable No-Hit

Act > Guardener > Plead (Bottom-Left)

Eleventh Attack: Random Attack

Act > Guardener > Plead (Bottom-Left)

Twelvth Attack: Lil' Robot (Fast Gun)

Wait for a warning sound effect and go up / down (alternate to avoid touching edge)

Easy No-Hit

Act > Guardener > Plead (Bottom-Left)

Thirteenth Attack: Two Robots (Explosives)

Same as Attack #6. Hold Bottom-Left and pray you don't get hit too much

4 Hits Max. Chance for less

Attacks from this point are random. Continue pleading until the fight is finished


jumpwithkarl: Video


No Easy Mode