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If you have obtained the Silver Scarf. Then this fight shouldn't be a big problem. Any damage she throws at you gets healed off when her attack ends. You don't even need to enable easy mode to beat her!

Obviously. It's faster to use the confusion strat to finish Martlet ASAP. But for the sake of my mission (to do as much as possible in UTY blindfolded). I will chart out all her attacks


Weapon: Doesn't Matter

Accessory: Feather

Easy Mode: Disabled

Healing Items:



Mercy > Spare

Mercy > Spare

Mercy > Spare

Mercy > Spare

First Attack: Shooting Feathers

When you hear the feathers about to shoot, move Up/Down and alternate between directions each shot.

Note that two feathers may attack at the same time which might trick you. But just ignore the second feather

Easy No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Second Attack: Box with Stuff

Hold Bottom-Left

6 Hits Max. Chance for less

Mercy > Spare

Third Attack: Circling Shooting Feathers

For each feather that is about to be shot. Hold Up/Down and alternate between directions each shot.

It's like the First Attack but a bit RNG dependant since some feathers may be positioned in such a way such that moving doesn't get you a No-Hit

Easy No-Hit. Chance for more

Mercy > Spare

Fourth Attack: Feather Circle

Hold Bottom-Left. Switch directions in a counter-clockwise rotation for each alert.

Easy No-Hit. Chance for more

Mercy > Spare

Fifth Attack: Moving Feathers

Hold Up

3 Hits Max. Chance for less

Mercy > Spare

Sixth Attack: Flying + Random Objects

Hold Up. Wait until Martlet flaps her wings 2 times and hold Left. When the Object hits the ground, switch moving to the opposite direction and hold Up for a while

3 Hits Max. Chance for less

Mercy > Spare

Afterwhich, Martlet realizes that you aren't attacking. And will proceed to ask to insult her

Act > Insult (Bottom-Right)

Seventh Attack: Feather Tornado

Hold Bottom-Right

2 Hits

Act > Insult

Attacks 1-7 repeat up to this point. Keep Insulting to finish the fight


2 Hits Minimum. Chance for more


jumpwithkarl: Video


No Easy Mode, No Healing Items, Feather used