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A very tricky boss to deal with. Most of his attacks are No-Hit doable, but some require RNG to get past


Weapon: Doesn't Matter

Armor: Silver Scarf

Healing Items:

Full HP Healing Items (two for safety)


Intro Attack: Lasso Tutorial

When you get tied up. Move around so that the fight can progress. Skip through North Stars dialouge until you hear the gun alert. Then move up

Guaranteed No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

First Attack: Revolver Shots

Hold Up

Guaranteed No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Second Attack: Revolver Shots in multiple directions

Move in a clockwise pattern for each warning sound effect. This isn't Hit-Proof since there is a chance for the revolvers to be angled at just the right way to hit you regardless

Easy No-Hit. Chance for a few hits

Mercy > Spare

Third Attack: Dynamite

Hold Up

Guaranteed No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Fourth Attack: Horseshoe

Because of the lack of sound effects for the horseshoe rotating. It's best to avoid this attack altogether by taking a single hit

Hold down and wait one second after you get hit. Then switch to holding right

One Hit

Mercy > Spare

Fifth Attack: Dynamite + Revolvers

Hold left. Wait until you hear the dynamite alert and hold up. Wait until you hear the first revolver sound effect and immediately go down. When you hear the revolver being shot, hold back up

Easy No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Sixth Attack: Bell Attack

This attack alternates between blue and orange. Which is very easy to dodge!

First ring, don't move. Second ring, move up. Repeat the cycle three time!

Easy No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Seventh Attack: Bottle Attack

Hold right. If you have not gotten hit a few seconds after the previous two bottle shots, hold left for a No-Hit

One Hit. Chance for a No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Eight Attack: Train Attack


Hold top-right. Wait until the next sound effect to move clockwise. Repeat until the move ends

Easy No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Ninth Attack: Lasso Attack 1

Note that Lasso Attacks 1 and 2 will repeat until the reticle hits the lasso. We can abuse this feature in combination with the Silver Scarf to heal indefinitely

Hold Down + X. Wait for a while and then let go of X and sway left-right. This is done to manipulate the reticle to hit the lasso

Easy No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Tenth Attack: Lasso Attack 2

Similar to previous attack. But if you fail, go for a repeating up-down motion to avoid the reticles

Easy No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Eleventh Attack: Revolver Pattern

Hold bottom-left

Guaranteed No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Twelvth Attack: Bell + Revolver


A mix between Attack #2 and Attack #6 makes this a pretty difficult attack. It's made worse now that the lasso is gone from you

During the first ring, stop moving. For the second ring, move around

Tricky, but doable No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Thirteenth Attack: Slowdown + Reticle

Move around and hope that you do not get hit whatsoever. Try not to touch the edges as well

Tricky No-Hit. Chance for more

If you are not in full health. Item > Heal. You want to be full health for the next attack

Fourteenth Attack: Reticle + Dynamite


Go bottom-left and hope you don't get hit too much

Best Possible Attempt: No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Fifteenth Attack: Slowdown + Revolvers

Hold up. When you hear a shot, switch moving in a direction clockwise to where you are currently moving (e.i Up, Right, Down, Left, Continue). Continue spinning for each shot

Tricky, but doable No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Sixteenth Attack: Revolvers + Dynamite + Reticle Mayhem!

Hold up on the first alert, and then down on the second alert. Go back up once the revolvers have shot to dodge the dynamite. Wait until the third revolvers have been shot and then hold down

Easy No-Hit

Act > Surrender to finish the fight!


Two Hits Minimum. Chance for more