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Don't be pulled away from the fact that this is the final boss for True Pacifist. Ceroba is actually an extreme pushover if you manage to get the Golden Bandana as well as activate Easy Mode! You don't even need to bring a single Healing Item with you as the sheer defense you have + the power of Endure can allow you to heal off all the attacks Ceroba throws at you!

PS: On the first phase. You have to end the fight with atleast 3 HP. Anything lower will crash the game


Weapon: Doesn't Matter

Armor: Golden Bandana

Easy Mode: Enabled

Healing Items:

Full HP Healing Items

Phase 1


Don't worry too much on this phase. The attacks only deal 1 damage each, and you heal back to full health once completed. You don't need to be absolutely perfect here!


First Attack: Exploding Balls

Hold Bottom-Right

Guaranteed No-Hit

Mercy > Spare

Second Attack: Flower Wall

Stay on one of the corners to minimize as much damage as possible

3-7 Hits. Chance for less. Lower chances for a No Hit

Mercy > Spare

Third Attack: Leaf Pile

Hold Up

Four Hits at most. Chance for lower

Mercy > Spare

Fourth Attack: Shooting Flowers

Wait until the start of the freeze sound effect then immediately hold Bottom-Right

Likely chance for a No-Hit. Two Hits if unlucky

Mercy > Spare

Fifth Attack: Flower Circle

Wait three seconds then move Up. Wait a second after the explosion sound effect has finished and move the opposite direction. Repeat for the rest of the attack

Tricky No-Hit. Chance for a few hits

Mercy > Spare

Sixth Attack: Exploding Balls with Colored Shockwaves

Rush to the Bottom-Right and hope you don't get hit a lot.

Four Hits at most. Chance for Three Hits

Heal if HP <= 9. Otherwise, Mercy > Space

Seventh Attack: Flower Circle + Black Hole

Hold Up and hope you don't get hit a lot

Chance for a No-Hit. 4 Hits at most

Mercy > Spare

Eight Attack: Exploding Pillars

Hold Down

Two Hits at most

Mercy > Spare

Ninth Attack: Circling Swords + Shooting Flower

Go down. Wait until the ding sound effect which indicates that the swords are starting to move. Move in a circle while holding X to limit Clovers movement. Wait until the shooting flower shows up and hold Up

One Hit. Small Chance for a Second Hit

Mercy > Spare

Tenth Attack: Circling Balls + Huge Explosion

Go Top-Right and don't move once you reach the corner

High Chance for a No-Hit. Small Chance for a Single Hit


Best Possible Attempt: 9 Hits

Best Recorded Attempt: 22 Hits / 2 Heals (one unecesarry heal) by AstrasEvolution: Video

For the rest of the phases going forward. It is assumed that Auto-Fire is enabled. Especially for the intro attack in Phase 2, as it uses timing from the soul shots (You might need to die once to have the Auto-Fire take effect the moment the battle starts)

Phase 2


At this point. Damage taken doubles from 1 > 2 (unless you have Easy Mode enabled). Although this main seem bad, this can still be beaten fairly easily!


Intro Attack

Start by counting the amount of times Clover has shot a bullet from the Auto-Fire. As they will be used to time your movements

Mask Attacks

Hold Up

On the 13th shot, hold Down

On the 14th shot, hold Bottom-Right

On the 17th shot, hold Left

On the 20th shot, hold Top-Right

On the 23rd shot, hold Down

On the 26th shot, hold Left

Afterwhich. You can stop counting the bullets and continue to the next part

Simple No-Hit

Wall Attack

Listen closely for if your attack has hit something. If it has, that means you are on the correct side. If it hasn't, switch to the other side to avoid a hit

Tricky but Doable No-Hit

Circling Flowers

If you are still on the bottom. Just stand still and hope that the circling flowers don't hit you that much

(Four Hits Maximum. Chance for less)

Act > Endure

First Attack: Floaty Thingies

Go to the bottom of the battle box and alternate between dashing Left and Right

Chance for a No-Hit. Chance for 1-3 Hits

Act > Endure

Second Attack: Mask Fire

Run around in a circle whilst dashing

Chance for a No-Hit. Chance for 1-3 Hits

Act > Endure

Third Attack: Spining Floating Thingies

Run around in a circle (clockwise) while dashing

Chance for a No-Hit. Chance for 1-3 Hits

Act > Endure

Fourth Attack: Exploding Balls

Go to the top of the battle box. When a bomb explodes, wait for around 2 shots and dash Down

5 Hits Minimum. Chance for less

Act > Endure

Fifth Attack: Wall Attack

At this point. The shield is already extremely damaged that a few extra shots will destroy it before this attack could even start. So you may not need to worry about the fifth attack

No-Hit if the Shield is low enough. 1-2 Hits if not

Act > Endure

Shield Protectors

Stay at the bottom of the screen and start destroying the shield protectors. There are two in the middle, one of the left, and one on the right. You can tell that you are not hitting anyone if a hit sound isn't playing

(Strategy for dodging the white shockwaves still being created)

Phase 3


Attacks from this point start to become random. So your best bet is to destroy the shield as quickly as possible. This is why you stock up on items just in case you feel like you are running low on Health

At the start of the phase. Select Hope to gain a shield which can absorb a single hit (Right, Select) After that, prioritize more on Endure to heal up. If you feel as if you are running low on HP in that a single Endure doesn't fully heal you, consume an item


Random Attacks

Stand at the bottom of the battle box for 4 shots and alternate between dashing from Up to Down every 2 shots

Shield Protectors

Same thing from the Random Attacks. You should also get a one cycle!

Phase 4


Similar to the previous phase. You want to destroy the shield as fast as possible. But this time, you REALLY want it destroyed. As the new attacks makes it even harder to dodge than before (Think of Phase 3 as like the "Lite" version of Phase 4)

Once again. Select "Hope" to gain a shield which absorbs one free damage. Every other attack from this point on should be "Endure"


First Attack

Start by counting the amount of times Clover has shot a bullet from the Auto-Fire. As they will be used to time your movements

Staff Projectile

Hold Down. Stay in the middle while alternate between dashing Up and Down for every even shot starting from 4. Making sure to stop at 14 to continue to the next part

Easy No-Hit

Fire Everywhere

Hold Bottom-Left. After the 23rd shot, hold Right and stop at the 26th shot

One Hit. Second Hit if timed improperly

Random Attacks

After this, the rest of the attacks from here should be similar from the previous phase. Do note that more attacks are introduced, but it's still better to continue the same strategy as before. Especially if you have Easy Mode enabled

Shield Protectors

Repeat the same thing for Phase 3. But include another cycle!


AstrasEvolution: Video


Completed her run before I even started charting phases 2-4. Easy Mode Enabled. Around 6 Healing Items used in the entire run.

jumpwithkarl: Video


Easy Mode Disabled. No Healing Items used. A single death is included in Phase 2 for a No-Hit setup